Sir Walter the flood resistant lawn!

Large amounts of rainfall and pooling water can badly damage your lawn if it’s the wrong sort of grass. Find out how Sir Walter copes under flood conditions…

For grasses like kikuyu, you’re looking at trouble if the water stays on the lawn for more than 24 hours. Other issues that you may encounter during heavy rain/flood is boggy lawn and the death of your plants. It’s important to create a lawn that drains naturally to reduce pooling water and you can reduce further damage by restricting traffic across the lawn which can lead to compaction.

The biggest problem with flooding however, is the amount of silt that gets deposited on the lawn. In extreme cases this needs to be shoveled off, but if there’s only a small amount of silt, then you can simply hose it into the thatch.

The effects that heavy rain and pooling water have on your lawn is predetermined by the type of lawn grass you chose in the first place. Flood resistant breeds of grass such as Sir Walter are capable of withstanding harsh conditions that can be the death of other types of lawn.

While other lawn grasses require lots of maintenance to keep them in shape, Sir Walter is self-repairing and bred to cope with lots of rain and pooling water. However it also copes well with drought and so, no matter what the Australian climate throws at us, a Sir Walter lawn will thrive where others will fail.

Thanks to Trent Riordan from Rochester who shared his flood experience with us from 2011.

Trent says, ‘We have been flooded lately and Sir Walter loves it!’

See the photos

The first picture was taken before the floods, the second during and the third a couple of days after the flood! Amazing…

Sir Walter copes in all Australian weather! Truly a lawn for the Aussie environment.


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