Can I grow Sir Walter from seed? (video)

Can I grow Sir Walter from seed?

A common question asked is – Can Sir Walter be grown from seed? And the answer is no. Most of your drought tolerant varieties cannot be grown from seed.  Sir Walter does produce a seed but it is male, sterile and not economically viable to be grown from.  Even at the turf farms, Sir Walter is grown from a cutting.

Your seed grown varieties tend to be cool season grasses like rye, fescue and blue grass.  And these in most parts of Australia fail as a home lawn because the country is basically too hot.  These grasses are much better suited to the cooler parts of Europe and upper North America.

How to stop your Sir Walter Lawn going to seed (video)

Sir Walter Seed Heads

A lot of the Sir Walter growers get people ringing them up asking them, “Why has my Sir Walter lawn gone to seed?”

Now this is an excellent question, and it is part of your lawn’s survival mechanism in response to change, say sudden hot weather or lots of rain.

Now if your lawn is only going to seed during these sudden changes then you have nothing to worry about.  But if your lawn is constantly in seed then you probably have some issues with your soil and you need to take some remedial action such as fertilising and top dressing to really beef up that lawn again.

On this video out at the Turf farm you can see a really good example of this with two sections side by side.  The first section has recently been fertilised and it is beautiful, lush and green. The second section is exactly the same lawn but hasn’t been fertilised, it is a lighter colour and has gone to seed.

You get some good fertiliser on the second section and it will be lush and green and seedless just like the Sir Walter next door.

Sir Walter a Lawn You’ll Love – 1 x 30 + 2 x 15 second TV Ads

The beautiful A Lawn You’ll Love Sir Walter TV Commerical. Watch 3 different versions, 30 second and two different 15 second options.


See the finished commercials here:

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Sir Walter Time Lapse

A beautiful time lapse of the turf farm where the Sir Walter, ‘A Lawn you’ll Love’ TV Commerical was filmed.

This amazing time lapse footage was taken during the making of the new Sir Walter TV commercial. The ad was filmed during somewhat inclement weather but the film crews patience was rewarded with an outstanding end shot.