Lawn Care Videos
Love your Lawn's lawn care videos cover all lawn and turf topics from fertilising, watering and mowing to preparing your soil for a new lawn installation. There are also videos about how to use the lawn care products that you can buy from our Lawnstore, as well as the latest Sir Walter TV adverts. Love your Lawn is your one-stop shop for all your lawn care advice.
Can't find the answer you are looking for?
If you have a question about your lawn that's not answered here or in our lawn care articles section, why not head on over to our Facebook page where you can post your enquiry (make sure you tell us where in Australia you are). Alternatively give us a call on 1300 554 442.
The Making of the Sir Walter TV Commercial

Sir Walter a Lawn You’ll Love – 1 x 30 + 2 x 15 second TV Ads

Sir Walter, A Lawn you’ll Love – 30 second advert

Sir Walter Time Lapse

A Lawn you’ll love – 60 second TV commercial

Sir Walter Lawn Conversion – Time Lapse

Sir Walter Lawn Conversion

Sir Walter Lawn Conversion TV Advert

Sir Walter TV Commercial – Big Landscaping Feature 2

Sir Walter TV Commercial – Big Landscaping Feature

Sir Walter TV Commercial – Australia’s no.1 Buffalo Lawn

Sir Walter TV Commercial – Australia’s Biggest Buffalo

Lawn Fruits

Lawn Rocks

Lawn Kransky

Lawn Furball

Lawn Spike

The Real Turf

Stump Removal